Letting Go of the Past
The process of personal growth involves a great deal of letting go of the past and things that happened to us or around us when we were kids.
It’s quite amazing how it can impact us well into our adulthood. We underestimate the impact and often hope that it’s far enough in the past to not affect us anymore.
But the thing is, no matter how long ago your childhood is now, you made up beliefs about yourself, who you are in this world, what you’re worth, what might be your fault, what you have to do for love and belonging etc. These are your beliefs and the negative ones you form about yourself are your limiting beliefs.
And we carry these into adulthood. So much of my work with clients is looking at these beliefs, learning how we came up with them, and then creating new ones that serve us better.
The poem above is for children and adult children of alcoholics. We carry the burden of somehow feeling responsible for helping our parents and carry a feeling of guilt, shame and failure when we’re not successful (which is inevitable for a child to not be able to fix their parents). This later in life turns into a behaviour of taking responsibility for other’s lives, other’s outcomes, other’s problems. And so the burden we carry gets heavier and heavier.
My work involves removing that burden, cutting the ties to people’s past so they’re not carrying the weight of that guilt anymore. I help people finally be free to step into their own light, unburdened, so they can be free to truly be their best and live that life they imagined. .
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