Positive Reflection

Positive Reflection

As the year draws to a close, we often reflect on it, sometimes positively and sometimes negatively. We can be hard on ourselves about what we achieved and what we didn’t. 

But I bet you, if you take a closer look, you’ll be surprised just how much you did achieve, what challenges you were able to overcome and how much you’ve grown. 

And you might have to be gentle on yourself and have a more compassionate approach to see these things. But they’ll be there, and this, is a more productive and positive use of reflection. 

Choose Resilience

Choose Resilience

Some flowers can bloom in the harshest conditions because it knows deep down that it’s made of the stuff to make it possible.

It knows it can endure, it knows it’s resilient and it has an unwavering faith about what it looks like on the other side when winter is over and the sun shines again.

If you could choose, why not be THAT flower? Why not choose resilience?

Dare To Be Great

Dare To Be Great

Dare to be great.

No really, I dare you. In my experience and from working with others, often what people fear more than failure is being great. It’s a crazy thing really but it’s real. And it butts heads against our limiting belief of ‘Am I good enough ‘ in order to be great and really own it.

What would be possible if you allowed yourself to just ‘be great’?

Accomplish Extraordinary Things

Accomplish Extraordinary Things

“People do not decide to become extraordinary. They decide to accomplish extraordinary things.”
~ Sir Edmond Hilary ~

Don’t just set your sites on something that makes you comfortable. Set your sights on something that scares you, that brings doubt whether you can accomplish it or not.

Those are the things that will grow you. Those are the things that will be extraordinary.

Trust at Work Too

Trust at Work Too

Trust, respect and vulnerability are not just for use at home and in our private lives. When cultivated in the workplace, they form the foundation of healthy organizations and company culture.

We often make the mistake that what applies in our private life somehow doesn’t apply to our work life. But the rules of human connection apply to both. The way we treat people in our private life and those close to us, and how we nurture those relationships, is how we should treat those we work with.

Because after all, you can’t influence those who don’t respect you. You can’t influence those who don’t trust you. And you can’t influence those who feel you don’t care about them.

It’s that simple.