Resilience Is Facing Adversity

Resilience Is Facing Adversity

Resilience isn’t something you get just because you want it.

Resilience is more something that you get and earn when you have the courage to face your adversities and your challenges head on. You don’t avoid them, you don’t try to take the short cut and you don’t blame them on someone else. 

Resilience is something you get when you are willing to walk the path along your learning and growth that lies within your challenges. 

It takes courage to take responsibility for your part and look at what you can do to overcome the challenge you find yourself in. 

And when you do that, you learn what you’re capable of and you grow as a result. And next time a challenge comes along, it will still be hard, but your resilience muscle will be stronger and you will trust yourself just a little more that you’ll be able to find a way through.

Changing Your Beliefs

Changing Your Beliefs

In order to do something you’ve never done before, you have to be willing to break through a limiting belief you’ve never overcome before. 

Our beliefs are the only thing standing in the way of our personal growth, how we want to show up and what we want to achieve in our life.  And our beliefs determine whether or not we think we deserve it and are worthy of it. 

So what is it that you want and how would you rather be showing up in this world that’s a more authentic and powerful version of yourself? Then ask yourself honestly what do you really believe about yourself and how worthy you are?

If your beliefs are something around I’m not enough and who am I to deserve this success, then it’s around your beliefs where your work will begin. 

Because it’s when we change our beliefs about ourselves, then our world opens up, the impossible becomes possible and we learn we truly are worthy and deserving of all our hopes, dreams and success.

Timing Is Everything

Timing Is Everything

Timing is everything and the universe delivers to you when you’re ready for it. The energy and effort that you put out there is precisely what you get back, and that’s what they mean by the universe delivering.

If you open your heart to love and put love out there, then you will receive it. If you offer compassion and empathy, then you will receive it. If you offer curiosity and understanding, then you will receive it.

In the moment it may feel like a coincidence, but I believe that it’s all about opportunities flying by and consistently showing up in line with your values and purpose. When those two collide, then you have perfect timing and a delivery from the universe.

That’s what I mean when I say, it’s all about timing and timing is everything.

Trying Something New

Trying Something New

Trying something new can feel like jumping off a cliff.

You’re leaving familiar ground and heading out into something unknown. And sometimes you have to fall and get to the bottom to experience the new thing or change. Sometimes it’s an awesome freefall, while other times it’s a terrifying drop with a hard landing. Either way, it’s a necessary path for moving forward and growing.

So regardless of the way you travel the path or how you experience the fall, you will go off a cliff AND the journey will be worthwhile. Because after all, if it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.

Choose Resilience

Choose Resilience

Some flowers can bloom in the harshest conditions because it knows deep down that it’s made of the stuff to make it possible.

It knows it can endure, it knows it’s resilient and it has an unwavering faith about what it looks like on the other side when winter is over and the sun shines again.

If you could choose, why not be THAT flower? Why not choose resilience?