Levelling Up Is Not Comfortable
Levelling up is not comfortable. In fact, while you’re in it, you can often feel like you’re levelling down.
When you’re levelling up in your life, you’re essentially growing in an expansive way. And when you finally get on this new exciting path and the universe begins to deliver what you’ve been dreaming about, you’re surprised when negative thoughts and doubts seep in, or when shame washes over you or when those old limiting beliefs start to chime in.
You may ask yourself, I’m starting to get what I’ve wanted all this time, why am I feeling like this?
My friend, it’s because you’re at your growth edge. You’re on the fringe of your comfort zone and you’re literally in the process of breaking through your growth edge. And your brain will be wanting to protect you from danger so it will send you all those old messages again, trying to convince you to retreat. RETREAT BACK to safety!
This is a critical moment in your change. And whether you push through or not, this will determine whether you follow through with the change you seek or retreat and remain unchanged and stuck where you are.
Your choice, ignore the old messages and have the courage to create new ones and continue down your new path, or believe the messages (again) and stay where you are.
The choice is up to you.
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