Embarking On A New Path

Embarking On A New Path

Embarking on a new path often feels like jumping off a cliff. You can see this grand vista below where you want to go and what you want to accomplish but it will take letting go of control, falling for a bit and trusting the process that you will land on your feet. 

And if you don’t land on your feet, still trust the process that you’ll figure out a way to get back up. Because the real learning and growth isn’t from landing a perfect 10 it’s from figuring out how to get back up after you fall (fail). 

So if you’re about to embark on a new path, quit hesitating and letting fear hold you back. Jump with both feet in and just trust the process. 

Accomplish Extraordinary Things

Accomplish Extraordinary Things

“People do not decide to become extraordinary. They decide to accomplish extraordinary things.”
~ Sir Edmond Hilary ~

Don’t just set your sites on something that makes you comfortable. Set your sights on something that scares you, that brings doubt whether you can accomplish it or not.

Those are the things that will grow you. Those are the things that will be extraordinary.

Trust the Process

Trust the Process

Note to self: Hold the vision and trust the process. So often we get stuck in the process of achieving a goal or our vision. Fears come up, obstacles get in our way, we become our own obstacles, or we just lose our way thinking it’s too hard or doubting if it’s the right path.

But you must trust the process, allow yourself to be vulnerable, all yourself to not know and not have control. Because it’s in these moments where the learning and growth is. And it’s in these moments when you take another step towards your vision. So don’t give up ok?