by Dagmar Meachem | May 31, 2018
Courage is trying again while pushing through the storm of your past that’s telling you to turn around.
The new isn’t the past my dear, it only resembles something about it. It’s all new, you are new, you are changed, you’ve grown and you are not your past.
And it takes courage to remain open to this new thing, this new experience that is happening because you are ready and you have asked for it. So, push through, dig deep and stay open. You’ll be glad you did, because this is where the sweet stuff is.
by Dagmar Meachem | May 15, 2018
Vulnerability is the only way through the healing required to start again.
You can try to dodge it, avoid it and run from it. Trust me, I’ve tried it all. But what I’ve learned is that by doing that I only find myself in the same place over and over again.
Courage to be vulnerable opens the heart to healing, which paves the way to a new future, a new path and new possibilities.
by Dagmar Meachem | May 8, 2018
Be great, because you really only get one shot to live your best life.
Seriously, why do we spend time not being authentic, not tapped into our purpose and not living from our values? This life is a one time deal, you don’t get a second chance, as far as we know. We all have a gift inside. And we all have a purpose, whether you’re tapped into it or not, you do. It’s what gives us joy, satisfaction and fulfilment. It’s what connects us to others. It’s the vehicle that allows us to make an impact on the world.
So if you’re not being great, if you’re not tapped into your purpose, what are you waiting for? Why not start now?
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