Learning To Let Go of Control
“If only I could control what happens then everything would be ok.”
Imagine if you could control how people respond to you and treat you and how things operate around you? Imagine if you could have things exactly the way you want them? Imagine if you didn’t have to deal with this thing called ‘uncertainty’. Ah, what a world that would be?
I know as you read this, a part of you is daydreaming for a brief moment about how good this would be. Although that might sound nice, there are limiting factors to always needing to have control. In fact, needing to have control is actually something that has control over you.
What do I mean by this? Let me explain.
When we need to have control over things, we need things to go a certain way in order to feel ok. We tend to be rigid in our approach to things, we tend to be less flexible with others and we tend to be closed to feedback or new ideas. In effect, we close ourselves off from the outside world and operate in a closed loop of our own internal thoughts, beliefs and assumptions.
At a deeper level, we are operating out of fear.
Fear of:
- Rejection
- Being hurt
- Not being heard or seen
- Uncertainty
- Emotional exposure

What we need most in these moments is not to focus on holding onto control. We need to let go of the idea that control will protect us and make us ok.
Instead, we need to address the fears that are driving our need for control. We need to face the thoughts and assumptions that are bringing up those fears. And then, we need to bring curiosity, compassion and empathy to that.
This might also involve:
- Having a difficult conversation with someone
- Making a difficult decision
- Trusting that the future is not the past
- Being open to a different perspective
- Being wrong
- Trusting and forgiving others
A simple question you might want to ask yourself to help in this process is “what am I protecting myself from or avoiding by being in control or needing to have control?”
And then, give yourself the time and space to explore the answer to that question.

This will be the beginning of learning how to let go of control so it doesn’t control you. The more you practice this inquiry, the easier it will get. Slowly, the need for control will ease as you shift to being more present and self-aware to what’s going on for you during challenging situations. Slowly, you’ll learn to address your fears and take the required action that will help you move through them.
When you learn how to move through your fears and take action in your life, that’s when you get a sense of being in control again. It’s the very thing you wanted in the first place, you just needed to approach it from a different direction!
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