by Dagmar Meachem | May 9, 2019
Perseverance is doing whatever it takes to achieve your goal. Sometimes it’s hard, and sometimes it’s damn hard, but the key in those times is to not give up.
You have a dream, you have a vision, don’t give up on that. If the way you’re going about it isn’t working, get creative and find another way. Get resourceful, bring someone in who can help you overcome that challenge you face, like a fierce coach.
They won’t let you quit and they’ll remind you every step of the way that your dream, your vision is possible.
So don’t give up on this dream, this vision, it means too much to you. Persevere, do whatever it takes.
by Dagmar Meachem | May 7, 2019
Sometimes when you’re amidst a very large complex challenge and you’re feeling overwhelmed, the best thing to do is to break it down into bite size chunks of action steps that you could do to start to solve the problem and overcome the challenge you’re in.
And then, take one small step forward. Because overcoming our challenges isn’t about solving it all in one go, it’s about slowly and strategically finding our way through, one step at a time, and always moving forward.
by Dagmar Meachem | Apr 12, 2019
Strength is not something you’re born with, you have to build it. And most of the time it’s built from overcoming difficult challenges, hard work and persevering over obstacles and through adversity.
So if things are hard right now or you’re in the middle of a challenge, just know that the gift and silver lining is the glorious strength you’ll gain through the process that will build your confidence and make you feel more at ease the next time a challenge comes along.
by Dagmar Meachem | May 31, 2018
Courage is trying again while pushing through the storm of your past that’s telling you to turn around.
The new isn’t the past my dear, it only resembles something about it. It’s all new, you are new, you are changed, you’ve grown and you are not your past.
And it takes courage to remain open to this new thing, this new experience that is happening because you are ready and you have asked for it. So, push through, dig deep and stay open. You’ll be glad you did, because this is where the sweet stuff is.
by Dagmar Meachem | Apr 23, 2018
Sometimes the package the universe delivers you doesn’t look exactly like the package you planned.
But then you learn that the universe doesn’t deliver what you think you want, that vision you’ve created in your head. Instead, it delivers what your heart knows you want, that thing that’s aligned with your soul, your values and your purpose.
And it when it delivers this gift to you, the key to receiving this gift is to be courageous, open your heart, let go of the pre-designed construct of your life, trust the process and enjoy the adventure of a lifetime.
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