3 Strategies to Manage Stress More Effectively

3 Strategies to Manage Stress More Effectively

If there’s one thing we all share in common, it’s experiencing stress in our lives.

The way we handle and cope with stress varies for all of us. And what might be encouraging to know is that it’s not something you’re born good or bad at, it’s a skill you can develop.

For those that manage stress well, they’ve developed an effective skillset throughout their life for coping and navigating through stressful situations. In emotional intelligence, this skillset is called stress management.

Something important to note, before I go further, is that there are other things that complicate our ability to cope with stress effectively, which include trauma. Past trauma adds additional complexity to our thinking, our stress response and our ability to regulate our nervous system. For those struggling with past trauma, I would encourage the support of a therapist or other trained professional in times of increased stress.

However, regardless of where you find yourself and what stress you’re navigating right now, there are 3 strategies that you can start using right away to learn to manage stress more effectively.

1. Learn ways to regulate your nervous system

ways to regulate your nervous system

Regulating your nervous system is crucial for overall well-being and functioning. The nervous system plays a central role in controlling and coordinating all the activities of the body.

When it comes to stress management, the nervous system is closely linked to the body’s stress response. Chronic stress can lead to an overactive sympathetic nervous system(fight-or-flight response), which can have detrimental effects on physical and mental health. Learning to regulate your nervous system helps manage stress and promotes a more balanced and relaxed state.

Here are some ways you can start regulating your nervous system:

  • Breath work
  • Meditation
  • Mindfulness practices
  • Yoga
  • Exercise
  • Adequate sleep

2. Check and challenge your mindset

challenge your mindset

Your current mindset can have a huge impact on how you experience the situation you’re in.

The beliefs you have about yourself, the assumptions you have about the situation you’re in and how you let your fears dominate your thinking directly affect how you respond to certain situations, the stories you make up, the feelings that surface from those stories and consequently how you experience stress.

If you are feeling powerless, if your optimism is low, if you are consumed with worry and if you’re overthinking and struggling to come up with a solution, these are all indications that possibly your current mindset isn’t serving you.

What we don’t often realize is how much our mindset keeps us from seeing a solution or a way forward. It can often keep us in the past pointing to where we’re most afraid. The key in these situations is to challenge our current thinking and look beyond our current frame of reference.

Here are some questions that will help you do that:

  • What are you currently hustling for? – perfectionism, FOPO (fear of other people’s opinions) fear of failure, fear of being seen as weak, stupid, incapable.
  • What limiting beliefs are running the show that need to be reframed into more empowering ones?
  • What fear might be dominating your thinking that you need to face and address?
  • What could you be learning from this right now and what opportunity is there for you to grow?

After answering these questions ask yourself how you might shift your current mindset and thinking to be more empowering. Then, create action steps from this new thinking which will help move things forward.

3. Create an intention for how you’d rather be right now

set an intention

When we’re stuck in stress, it’s hard to see our way out. It’s hard to see past a certain stressful situation or time frame. We get lost in the trees instead of being able to see the whole forest.

An empowering way of moving ourselves through stress is to create an intention for how you’d rather be experiencing life right now? It’s essentially a vision for a future time and a future you.

Examples of intentions are:

  • I want to feel more calm and relaxed
  • I want to feel more empowered in my life
  • I want to feel more in control
  • I want to be more boundaried with others
  • I want to speak my truth more often

Here are some questions to help you create your new intention:

  • What would you rather feel right now?
  • How would you rather be responding to life right now?
  • What would you like to take action on that you’re afraid to?
  • What things do you need to say and to whom?
  • What’s most important right now?
  • What word represents an intention that you’d like to make?

Now that you have these 3 strategies, look into them a bit deeper, learn more about different aspects of these strategies (eg. learn about breath work) and start trying them today.

Maybe you could commit to doing one breath work or meditation practice every day, maybe you could commit to 30 min of exercise 3 times per week, maybe you could have a crack answering the questions about your current mindset.

Whatever it is, start doing it.

Because the reality is, no one’s going to do it for you, no magic wizard is going to appear and remove all of your stress with her wand.

It’s up to you to look after yourself. And you’ll thank yourself for it, I guarantee it.

Secret To Change: Where You Focus

Secret To Change: Where You Focus

The secret of change is not about fighting the old but rather on building the new.  ~Socrates~

Easier said than done Socrates. It takes courage to face the change we’re in, accept what is, let go of what might be holding us back and learn and grow from the experience.

It takes a perspective that there are more positive things awaiting us on the other side and that it will be in fact better than where we are now.

It takes a growth mindset to focus on building the new. And that’s not for the faint hearted, as many of you know.

But what’s the alternative. When we stay focused on the past, we only get results that resemble the past. But when we focus on the future, as uncertain and unknown as it is, we open ourselves to possibilities we never could have dreamed up.

The choice is yours and starts with you. What do you choose?

Our Perspective Is Our World

Our Perspective Is Our World

Our perspective is our world, but it can also limit what we see.

We base decisions from our perspective.  We choose how we interact with others based on our perspective. The quality of our relationships can be dictated by our perspective. And what we achieve in our lives is often determined by our perspective.

Our perspective and our willingness to change it, can be the key to making positive change in our lives. When we have the courage to look at our perspective, question it and open ourselves to other perspectives, that’s when we see things we didn’t see before and learn about possibilities we never knew about.

So if you’re feeling stuck, frustrated or just can’t see the path ahead, try looking at your perspective and inquire if there’s another way of looking at things.

Letting Go of the Past

Letting Go of the Past

Letting go of the past

The process of personal growth involves a great deal of letting go of the past and things that happened to us or around us when we were kids.

It’s quite amazing how it can impact us well into our adulthood. We underestimate the impact and often hope that it’s far enough in the past to not affect us anymore. 

But the thing is, no matter how long ago your childhood is now, you made up beliefs about yourself, who you are in this world, what you’re worth, what might be your fault, what you have to do for love and belonging etc. These are your beliefs and the negative ones you form about yourself are your limiting beliefs.

And we carry these into adulthood. So much of my work with clients is looking at these beliefs, learning how we came up with them, and then creating new ones that serve us better.

The poem above is for children and adult children of alcoholics. We carry the burden of somehow feeling responsible for helping our parents and carry a feeling of guilt, shame and failure when we’re not successful (which is inevitable for a child to not be able to fix their parents). This later in life turns into a behaviour of taking responsibility for other’s lives, other’s outcomes, other’s problems. And so the burden we carry gets heavier and heavier.

My work involves removing that burden, cutting the ties to people’s past so they’re not carrying the weight of that guilt anymore. I help people finally be free to step into their own light, unburdened, so they can be free to truly be their best and live that life they imagined. .

Doing Whatever It Takes

Doing Whatever It Takes

Perseverance is doing whatever it takes to achieve your goal. Sometimes it’s hard, and sometimes it’s damn hard, but the key in those times is to not give up. 

You have a dream, you have a vision, don’t give up on that. If the way you’re going about it isn’t working, get creative and find another way. Get resourceful, bring someone in who can help you overcome that challenge you face, like a fierce coach. 

They won’t let you quit and they’ll remind you every step of the way that your dream, your vision is possible. 

So don’t give up on this dream, this vision, it means too much to you. Persevere, do whatever it takes.