by Dagmar Meachem | Mar 6, 2018
“Let the world know why you’re here and do it with passion.” Wayne Dyer
When you tap into your gift, your talent and that thing that sets your soul on fire, then you will draw people towards you like moths to a bright light.
by Dagmar Meachem | Feb 23, 2018
When you can visualize where you’re going and the future you want, you’re already half way there. The key is to keep moving forward. Even if your steps are small, just keep taking steps and you will get there.
by Dagmar Meachem | Feb 15, 2018
“Great ideas come from a clear vision, a strong ‘why’ and knowing the impact you want to make in this world.”
~Dagmar Meachem~
It’s worth putting the time and resources into creating a strong vision and purpose behind what you do if you want to capitalize on the wealth of ideas and innovation waiting on the other side.
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