Insight as a Leadership Skill

Insight as a Leadership Skill

A key skill for leaders is Insight, the ability to share a purpose or vision and inspire their teams to achieve goals in support of that purpose or vision.

As a leader, you may have a strong vision for what you want to achieve but if you lack the interpersonal or coaching skills required to inspire, motivate and mobilize your team, your vision will only be partially realized. 

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) skills are fundamental to those interpersonal and coaching skills and all of them can be strengthened, whatever level you find yourself at.

I work with leaders to grow these EQ skills, such as Empathy, Assertiveness, Flexibility and Emotional Awareness, so they can grow their capacity as a leader and make the impact they’re wanting through their vision.

If you’re a leader who has a vision and you’re possibly struggling with how to make it happen, learn more about EQ and EQ coaching and the difference it will make in you and your team.

Changing Your Beliefs

Changing Your Beliefs

In order to do something you’ve never done before, you have to be willing to break through a limiting belief you’ve never overcome before. 

Our beliefs are the only thing standing in the way of our personal growth, how we want to show up and what we want to achieve in our life.  And our beliefs determine whether or not we think we deserve it and are worthy of it. 

So what is it that you want and how would you rather be showing up in this world that’s a more authentic and powerful version of yourself? Then ask yourself honestly what do you really believe about yourself and how worthy you are?

If your beliefs are something around I’m not enough and who am I to deserve this success, then it’s around your beliefs where your work will begin. 

Because it’s when we change our beliefs about ourselves, then our world opens up, the impossible becomes possible and we learn we truly are worthy and deserving of all our hopes, dreams and success.

Doing Whatever It Takes

Doing Whatever It Takes

Perseverance is doing whatever it takes to achieve your goal. Sometimes it’s hard, and sometimes it’s damn hard, but the key in those times is to not give up. 

You have a dream, you have a vision, don’t give up on that. If the way you’re going about it isn’t working, get creative and find another way. Get resourceful, bring someone in who can help you overcome that challenge you face, like a fierce coach. 

They won’t let you quit and they’ll remind you every step of the way that your dream, your vision is possible. 

So don’t give up on this dream, this vision, it means too much to you. Persevere, do whatever it takes. 

One Small Step Forward

One Small Step Forward

Sometimes when you’re amidst a very large complex challenge and you’re feeling overwhelmed, the best thing to do is to break it down into bite size chunks of action steps that you could do to start to solve the problem and overcome the challenge you’re in. 

And then, take one small step forward. Because overcoming our challenges isn’t about solving it all in one go, it’s about slowly and strategically finding our way through, one step at a time, and always moving forward. 

Challenge Your Perspective

Challenge Your Perspective

Our perspective really can’t change unless we challenge it. And the easiest way to do that is by sharing it with others. And by having the courage to share our perspective with others, we risk what they will think, what they will say and what they will think of us. But with this risk, we also find out if our perspective needs to be challenged or not.

Sometimes our perspective is a bunch of illogical thoughts based on fear and the past. And this is when it needs to be challenged and reworked to a new perspective based on real evidence and the present. If our perspective is received with interest and engagement and you feel power and energy when you share it, then most likely it’s coming from a place of purpose and alignment and it doesn’t need to change.

So regardless what your perspective is, it’s always worth sharing and challenging to make sure you’re aligned with your values and living from a place based on the present and real evidence, not from fear and the past.