Strength Is The Gift From Challenges

Strength Is The Gift From Challenges

Strength is not something you’re born with, you have to build it.  And most of the time it’s built from overcoming difficult challenges, hard work and persevering over obstacles and through adversity. 

So if things are hard right now or you’re in the middle of a challenge, just know that the gift and silver lining is the glorious strength you’ll gain through the process that will build your confidence and make you feel more at ease the next time a challenge comes along. 

Trying Something New

Trying Something New

Trying something new can feel like jumping off a cliff.

You’re leaving familiar ground and heading out into something unknown. And sometimes you have to fall and get to the bottom to experience the new thing or change. Sometimes it’s an awesome freefall, while other times it’s a terrifying drop with a hard landing. Either way, it’s a necessary path for moving forward and growing.

So regardless of the way you travel the path or how you experience the fall, you will go off a cliff AND the journey will be worthwhile. Because after all, if it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.

Wander, Just Go For It

Wander, Just Go For It

Not all who wander are lost.

I’ve been exploring both the physical world and my internal world ever since I was a young person. And what I’ve discovered is that the more you explore, the more you learn that there is more to explore. It’s this amazing journey of expansion and discovery. And no matter what I find, I wouldn’t change it for anything.

So if you feel like wandering, go for it. Take a step, dive in, spread your wings, whatever it takes for you to open to what you don’t know yet.


Choose Resilience

Choose Resilience

Some flowers can bloom in the harshest conditions because it knows deep down that it’s made of the stuff to make it possible.

It knows it can endure, it knows it’s resilient and it has an unwavering faith about what it looks like on the other side when winter is over and the sun shines again.

If you could choose, why not be THAT flower? Why not choose resilience?

Dare To Be Great

Dare To Be Great

Dare to be great.

No really, I dare you. In my experience and from working with others, often what people fear more than failure is being great. It’s a crazy thing really but it’s real. And it butts heads against our limiting belief of ‘Am I good enough ‘ in order to be great and really own it.

What would be possible if you allowed yourself to just ‘be great’?